Raising Birth Rates - A Policy Proposal
A high enough quality AI-generated smut psy-op might just work
The following is not going to be appropriate for children to read in the slightest. You have been duly warned.
Birth rates everywhere in the rich world have been falling. Elon Musk has been bitching and moaning about this for a decade now, although there isn’t any quantity of poorly concieved white genocide conspiracy theory propaganda bullshit that would convince his followers to bring a life into this world that they wouldn’t’ve otherwise. Noah Smith writes about the challenges of talking about this issue here:
“Unfortunately, some people don’t take this approach, and instead use fertility rates as a hobbyhorse for their (usually rightist) cultural politics. These include:
Nationalists who demand that women have more babies for the good of the country,
Traditionalists upset about changing gender roles,
Eugenicists, who hate the idea of growing minority populations, and
Ethnonationalists, who (in America) want White women to have more kids and Black, Hispanic, and Asian women to have fewer, in order to maintain White demographic dominance.”
There seems to be no floor to birth rate collapse - in South Korea, the birth rate is 0.4 births per pregnancy-capable individual. In the US, our population is projected to fall dramatically, even if we continue with a moderate quantity of immigration policy.
My delightfully devilish idea to astroturf public perception towards the idea that it might be okay and good to have kids is:
The CIA or some other shadowy alphabet agency to rents out some cloud storage/GPU space/time from Amazon or Google. I think they’re already doing this actually.
Once they have that capacity, train a GPT text model on thousands (millions, if you’ve got back-end access to Google Books) of trashy romance novels (although be sure to gather a representative sample, we want this GPT to be as flexible as possible).
(Optional) Set up a distributed computing network where different projects can be submitted, reviewed, processed, and completed. Look up Folding@Home.